There are two main methods of scoring in target archery: Imperial and Metric. Quite simply, when shooting rounds at imperial distances, use imperial scoring and when shooting at metric distances, use metric scoring. There are a couple of exceptions to this rule when it comes to indoor rounds, but more on that later.
Imperial scoring uses the coloured rings on the target face as scoring zones with the following values:
Gold = 9; Red = 7; Blue = 5; Black = 3; White = 1
Metric scoring uses the inner and outer rings of the colour zones to create 10 scoring areas:
Inner Gold = 10; Outer Gold = 9; Inner red = 8; Outer Red = 7; Inner Blue = 6; Outer Blue = 5; Inner Black = 4; Outer Black = 3; Inner White = 2; Outer White = 1
There is also a smaller ring inside the 10, which when shooting metric rounds is scored as X. this is still worth 10 points but is used as a tie-breaker when in competition.
The exceptions to these scoring methods are the following rounds:
Portsmouth is shot at 20 yards on a 60cm face but is scored 1-10. Xs are not recorded.
Worcester is shot on a black face with 5 rings, the inner being white and is scored 1-5
With all scoring systems, the black line between the scoring zones is inside the higher scoring ring so if your arrow is touching that line, it is classed as a “line-cutter” and scores the higher point.
Most people like to use an app to keep track of their scores and there are many of these available for both Android and iPhone, but when shooting in competition scores must be submitted on a paper scoresheet so it is important to know how to complete one fully.
This link will open a pdf of a sample scoresheet completed for both metric and imperial scoring. The first thing you should do is write your name, date and the round you are shooting at the top of the scoresheet. The individual arrow scores are recorded in sets of 6 (or “ends”), then totalled up into the End Total (E/T) cell before recording the next end of 6 arrows. The H column is for number of hits in that dozen, the S is the score for the dozen (the total of the 2 ends), G is for the number of golds. When scoring Imperial, 9s are golds, however when scoring Metric, only 10s and Xs are classed as golds and 9s are not counted. The X column is for the number of Xs scored in the dozen and the R/T column is for the running total.
When you have finished the round, all the totals columns mentioned above should be added up and entered at the bottom of the sheet. The sheet should be signed by you as the archer and if you are in a competition or claiming a record, it should also be witnessed by someone you were shooting with. If you are in a competition, you should not write your own score down, but pass the sheet to someone else to complete when you score your arrows.
Once you have completed your scoresheet, it should be returned to the Records Officer who will enter it on to our records system.