There are a few do’s and don’ts in archery – these are not official rules that have to be obeyed, but are good practice for any archer and will be expected when visiting other clubs or tournaments.
A good archer does not:
- Talk to another archer who prefers to be silent.
- Talk in a loud voice while others are shooting.
- Walk on or off the shooting line while a neighbour is at full draw (except in timed metric rounds, where you need to leave the line as soon as you have finished shooting)
- Offer advice unless asked.
- Exclaim on the shooting line for themselves or others, either in joy or disgust.
- Touch another archer’s equipment without their permission.
- Walk up and down the line comparing scores.
- Go behind the target to retrieve his arrows before their score has been recorded.
- Drop any litter.
- Carry a Mobile phone on the shooting line.
A good archer always:
- Offers to pay to replace someone’s arrow (or any other piece of equipment) if they break it through their own carelessness. (He / She Pays on the spot)
- Helps to put out the equipment and put it away.
- Helps to look for someone else’s missing arrows
- Calls his score in groups of 3, e.g. 7-7-5 pause 5-5-3.
- Pays cash on the spot if he breaks another’s arrow.
- Thanks the target captain (scorer) at the end of the round.